Printable version: HPT PDF Syllabus
Workshop Overview:
The “High Performance Team Training Workshop” is designed to get team members engaged and to be aware of positives and negatives associated with “life in the team”. The team exercises enable participants to practice and improve team interaction, develop skills through hands on activities and build awareness on how to improve quality, increase productivity, reduce stress and conflict and have some fun in the process.
Target Audience:
All Employees, Supervisors, Managers, Directors and Leaders that are working or will be working in a TEAM environment. (Workshop is portable and can be conducted Worldwide)
Program Length:
Two days (2 days)
Class Size:
Sixteen (16) to twenty-four (24) Participants
Program Objectives:
Discuss the company’s current and future challenges and the plans to meet those challenges:
- Learn how to survive and excel in today’s rapidly changing team environment
- Present a clear view of the evolving role the employee in a “HPT” environment
- Introduce and discuss the concept of high performance teams
- Discuss and to continue to build the major skills needed to be a contributing member of a HPT
- Major Skills Discussed : All Things Quality, Dealing With Change, Empowerment/Involvement, Self-Directed Work Teams, HPT Evolution, Communication, Meeting Skills, Conflict Management, Problem Solving; Using Roundtable Discussions and Team Building Exercises
- Retain a high level of information that can be immediately used back on the job